Should I delay IVF treatment till I get the COVID-19 vaccine? A doctor answers IVF-related fears amidst the pandemic

IVF expert “Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour” highlights the importance of observing safety precautions and getting vaccinated when you’re planning to go for IVF amidst Covid-19.

What we thought was the end was just the beginning. The deadly second wave of Covid which affected people more from the reproductive age group reaffirms that we will need to continue to live in a COVID-19 environment for the foreseeable future. As per ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine), there is a need to ensure that essential medical care, including reproductive care, is provided while maximizing safety.

An essential protective tool in the pandemic is the Covid19 vaccine. The available options may not be 100 percent effective yet they are efficacious in reducing the severity of the disease and even preventing it.

There is no need to delay getting pregnant after the Covid 19 vaccination. So, you can go for IVF treatment immediately after the Covid-19 vaccination. It does not have any impact on fertility treatment. As per recent Government of India Guidelines, vaccines are safe even during pregnancy and in the pre-pregnancy period.

We know that the increasing age of the couples and increasing duration of infertility have a negative impact on the success rates of IVF treatment. So, you should follow all the safety precautions and start your IVF treatment. Always wear a mask, keep social distance, frequently wash your hands and sanities surfaces and objects like your mobile phone and bags.

IVF treatment involves a minor surgical procedure for egg retrieval. So, if you have been infected with Covid-19, you can start IVF treatment after 4 weeks if you were asymptomatic or only had mild non-respiratory symptoms. If you had respiratory symptoms like cough or breathlessness but did not need hospitalization then wait for 6 weeks at least? If you were hospitalized for Covid-19 infection then please wait for 8 to 10 weeks. If you have diabetes or are immunocompromised then wait for 8 to 10 weeks before starting IVF treatment. If you were admitted to an ICU due to Covid-19 infection then please wait for 12 weeks after recovery before you start IVF treatment.

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After How Long Can a Person Go for IVF Treatment If She Has Been Infected With Covid19

RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, director SCI IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record-making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF.

RJ: Doctor, After how long can a person go for IVF treatment if she has been infected with Covid19?

Dr: If a person has been infected with covid19, they can start IVF treatment after four weeks, if they were asymptomatic. If you have had respiratory symptoms like cough or breath listeners but did not need hospitalization, then you should wait for six weeks. If you were hospitalized for Covid19, then please wait for 8 to 10 weeks before starting treatment. If you were admitted to ICU, then you should wait for at least 12 weeks after complete recovery before you start your treatment.

RJ: Issued in the public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.


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Dr. Nupur Garg Answer to RJ (104 FM) about Infertility Issue

रेडियो जॉकी: जिनके साथ हम आईवीएफ के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं और, डॉक्टर आजकल इनफर्टिलिटी के मामले क्यों इतने बढ़ रहे हैं?

डॉ नुपुर: ये सही है की आजकल इनफर्टिलिटी की समस्या बहुत बढ़ गई है और इसके कुछ प्रमुख कारण हैं:

बढ़ती उम्र, पर्यावरण और बदलती जीवन शैली… जैसा कि हम सब देख रहे हैं आज कल महिला या पुरुष दोनो में ही शादी की उम्र बढ़ गई है और बढ़ती उम्र से अण्डों या शुक्राणु दोनो की गुणवत्ता में कमी आती है और प्रजनन क्षमता कमजोर होती है। 35 साल की उम्र के बाद महिलाओं में ये कमी बहुत तेजी से होती है और पुरुषो में 40 की उम्र के बाद।

दुसरा बहुत प्रमुख कारण जो देखा गया है वो है पर्यावरण। पर्यावरणन कारणों में खानपान में बढ़ती परिंशन और पेस्टिसाइड्स की मात्रा हमारे प्रजनन तंत्र पर बहुत ही गहरा प्रभाव डाल सकती है।

उसी तरह से बदलती जीवन शैली जैसे कि एक्सरसाइज न करना, नींद पूरी न होना, खराब पोषण, धूम्रपान और अत्यधिक शराब का सेवन, ये सभी प्रजनन क्षमता को कमजोर बनाता है और उस पर दुष्प्रभाव डालता है।


रेडियो जॉकी : डॉक्टर इनफर्टाइल कपल्स के लिए क्या ट्रीटमेंट ऑप्शंस अवेलेबल हैं?

डॉ नुपुर: इनफर्टिलिटी के उपचार से पहले उसका कारण जानना बहुत जरूरी होता है, क्योंकि उसी के अनुसार ट्रीटमेंट प्लान किया जाता है, कुछ मरीजों में हार्मोनल इम्बैलेंसेस होते हैं, जिस वजह से महिलाओं में ओव्यूलेशन में डिस्टर्बेंस होता है और पुरुषों में शुक्राणु की कमी हो सकती है, इसका इलाज दवाइयों द्वारा किया जाता है और जीवन शैली में परिवर्तन की सलाह दी जाती है- जैसे की रेगुलर एक्सरसाइज करना, अत्यधिक वजन है तो वजन कम करना, पौष्टिक आहार लेना; इन सभी चेंजेस से इम्प्रूवमेंट होता है और ज़्यादातर मरीज़ प्रेगनेंट होने में सफल होते हैं। जिन मरीजों में अन्य समस्याएं पाई जाती हैं या जिन मरीजों में जीवनशैली के परिवर्तन के बावजूद भी प्रेगनेंसी में सफलता नहीं मिलती है, ऐसे मरीजों में एडवांस तकनीक जैसी की आईयूआई या आईवीएफ का इस्तमाल उपचार के लिए किया है।


रेडियो जॉकी: थैंक यू डॉक्टर फॉर सच वैल्युएबल एडवाइस.


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COVID Free Fertility Treatment | COVID19 Free IUI

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour explaining about SCI IVF Centre services: How we provided COVID-19 free fertility treatment and COVID free IUI.

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PRP in Infertility IVF Recurrent Implantation failure Premature Ovarian failure and Gynaecology

PRP Platelet Rich Plasma in Infertility IVF Recurrent Implantation failure Premature Ovarian failure and Gynaecology. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has become popular as a non-operative treatment option for a broad spectrum of medical disorders. There is a reasonable amount of data that warrant continued research in PRP but currently, its role in clinical practice is not completely defined. Prior to its use, special consent is required after an honest and open discussion with the patient as well-controlled human studies are lacking.

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Read Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour Review to Know about Her Positive Works

Infertility has become the major concern for everyone and this is where the problem faces on getting conceived. But, this is not an issue at all because there are infertility specialists who can assist you in this aspect. Talking about the infertility specialists there is one name and that is Dr. Shavani Sachdev Gour. She is the founder & Director of SCI Healthcare, which is a state of the art fertility centre in New Delhi.

Dr. Gour is a graduate and hold special training in Gynaecology and Obstetrics from Mumbai. She has also worked and trained in IVF for four years in the UK at Hammersmith Hospital, London and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland. She is dedicated to assist the couples in need by providing comprehensive fertility services. Her expertise is helpful for both female and male patients.

At SCI IVF she has a team of professionals who can deliver quality & affordable infertility treatment to all. She has also conducts regular Training & Workshops related to infertility issue. With over 14 years of experience in this genre, Dr. Shivani has helped thousands of couples and has fulfilled their dreams by giving parenthood.

Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour and her team have been regarded as one of the largest and most experienced IVF providers in India. In terms of offering services, she also performs all patient scans and embryo transfers and ensures that everything is done with perfection. She never outsources any vital work to less experienced doctors on the contrary she does it on her own. It is her expertise and the work of the team that the patients can enjoy a higher than normal positive pregnancy results. Besides the miscarriage rate is also very low compared to national and international averages.

It is due to the hard work and dedication that the SCI IVF center that today, thousands of couples have reviewed and rated the service as five stars. It is due to the hospitality and excellent services and unmatched treatment that the SCI IVF center offers. The IVF centre uses brand new and latest medical equipment for the treatment. Besides the beautiful facilities at SCI IVF also creates the comfort of the patients.

To ensure that the patients experience reliability, it follows the Guidelines for IVF and Surrogacy practice that is strictly recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research. You can come to this center and avail the IVF treatment. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour Reviews

How To Prepare For IVF Treatment

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is regarded as the series of procedure that is mainly used to treat fertility. The treatment is also used to treat other genetic problems that can be used to assist you in conceiving a child. IVF is an effective form of assisted reproductive technology that can help in getting pregnant.

Before getting prepared for IVF treatment, you should ensure that you go for regular check-up with our doctor. You also need to take all the asked medicines that your doctor has prescribed. More importantly, you should also take your vitamins every day. Taking the medicine would reduce the risk of neural tube defects and you can get more success rate of pregnancy. You should also regulate moderate exercise, which will help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

You can check your weight and you should have perfect body mass index, which will help improve your fertility dramatically. When you talk about preparing for IVF treatment, you should quit smoking. Both active and passive smoking is determined to your health and it can affect fertility for both men and women. You should also quit alcohol as heavy intake of alcohol can affect the sperm count production.

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Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour – experienced and best surrogacy expert in India

Surrogacy is the process through which any couple can become a parent through the artificial or natural insemination. This is a blessing for the people wherein one of the couples is facing some kind of health issue and their partner is unable to conceive. This is certainly a very healthy practise and has become legal in many countries including India from the year 2002. Since then there has been a lot of cases of surrogacy which have been successful and many parents are now enjoying parenthood.

India has been one of the nations where surrogacy has been enjoyed to the fullest. Not only the Indian couples but many from the other countries have come here and became proud parents of the babies. All thanks to the Surrogacy treatment in India which is cheap and the best too. There are lots of clinics where one can avail top notch surrogacy facilities and receive the right treatment.

But it all about finding the best surrogacy expert as well as the specialised
Surrogacy clinic for the same. It is because an expert will let you know about the process, its pros and cons, how to go about and lot of other things that are necessary. All this results in a better experience both the surrogate mother as well as the couple.

So before you decide to try surrogacy to become a parent, it is essential to know how surrogacy is possible or what are the different ways in which surrogacy can be done. So let us get started.

Traditional surrogacy

As the name indicates, this is the surrogacy which was uses the old method to get pregnant. In this type of surrogacy, the eggs of the surrogate mother are fused with the semen of the couple or anyone else to become pregnant. This process of becoming the mother is also known as IVF and this is the reason that the surrogate becomes the biological mother as well.

Gestational surrogacy

The second type of surrogacy which is very popular nowadays and the best too is the gestational surrogacy. The best part of this process is that there is no connection between the baby and the surrogate as the eggs of the mother are fused with the semen of the father and then the embryo is implanted in the surrogate. All this is done via IVF and is really successfully. In case any of the parents are going through some health issue, eggs or semen from others can be used in this case.

In India gestational surrogacy is definitely the process followed as it gives the best results. Dr shivani sachdev gour is the expert from the SCI Healthcare and SCI IVF Hospital and Multispecialty Centre where she has given birth to around 1200 babies through this process. She is an experienced gynaecologist and fertility expert having more than 10 years of the experience and competency. Her work and the will to take surrogacy to the next level is what inspires the people.

If you have any queries related to surrogacy do get in touch with her for all the help and assistance.