Female Infertility – Simple Tips to Increase It

Female infertility is quite a common problem nowadays and around 15% of them are affected by it. Infertility can be due to a number of reasons but working on the same at the right time can make a big difference. That is why it becomes all the more necessary to ensure a healthy lifestyle and keep a check on your ovulation too. If natural means are adopted to cure infertility, the results are really good. The chances to conceive or get pregnant improve by 70% and this is certainly a good number.

If you too are facing female infertility problems and wish to cure it naturally, then here is all the information you are looking for. So let us get started. 

Maintain your weight – For infertile women, weight is definitely a big problem. It is essential to maintain the weight and for this they need to cut down the carbs and see a difference in their menstrual cycle. It will become more regular and this can help you to conceive faster. Even women suffering from PCOS should keep a check on their weight and follow a healthy and rich diet. Having foods rich in antioxidants too can be really useful for such women. 

Starts your day with a good breakfast – Most of the women tend to skip the first meal of their day that is their breakfast. This is a wrong approach as it will only lead to more weight gain. Despite leaving your breakfast, try to have a bigger portion of the breakfast and it should contain healthy things. Have your milk or tea; include at least one fruit with anything that you like. Whole grains are a decent choice. A good portion will not only give you the required energy for the day but boost your chances of conceiving too. 

Multivitamins are useful – Women who regularly take multivitamins are less likely to face such issues. It is because of the simple reason that multivitamins have folate which not only regulates your menstrual cycle but result in proper ovulation too. Thus the chances of becoming pregnant get increased by leaps and bounds as compared to other women. If you continue with multivitamins for around 3 months, the chances increase by 26%. 

Stay active – Being lazy is yet another disadvantage so make sure you do proper exercise or workout. There is no need to try the rigorous workouts but a few simple ones are enough. Excessive workout can have adverse impact so keep away from the same and have a balance of the different exercises. You can get in touch with a professional for the same. 

Avoid alcohol and caffeine – These two are highly dangerous and bring down the fertility level in the females. So cut down the same and experience the difference yourself.

With the help of the above helpful tips you can easily combat your female infertility and improve the chances of conceiving. Follow the tips seriously and you will certainly get pregnant and welcome a new member into your family. So start following them today.

Tips on Make Pregnancy Successful after Getting Failed- http://www.123articleonline.com/articles/1089418/tips-on-make-pregnancy-successful-after-getting-failed

A Heart Touching Thankyou Card for Dr Shivani Gour & SCI IVF Centre

Can you read the handwriting on the card. This is a thank you card from an almost 4 year old for her baby brother born after IVF at Our Clinic SCI IVF Centre. One of our most adorable cards! To read more reviews, visit- http://drshivanisachdevgourdelhi.blogspot.in/

dr shivani with little baby

thankyou card for sci team


sci ivf team celebrating successful treatment

Long-Awaited Child

Long-Awaited Child is the story of my 8 year journey to have a family of my own. Our journey began with trying to fall pregnant naturally, to trying IVF several times, to seeking foster care and adoption as an option & finally to surrogacy to have our long-awaited babies. I aspire to make the journey easier for others.

In my story I cover my personal emotions knowing the only option for me to have a baby was to use a donor egg and surrogate. Dealing with infertility can be a lonely and very sad time, I hope my story helps those going through a similar journey to not feel so alone plus to consider other options and not rely on IVF as the only answer. If we had given up after IVF failed in Australia we would not have our gorgeous twins and we are so thankful for your clinic and especially our Surrogate Mother for giving us our family. In my book I have also included some information and research we had done to make our journey easier to hopefully help others.

Below is the link to my website. My book can be purchased worldwide by paperback or downloaded on e-book versions:


Note: For SCI clients, there is a special discount of 15% who purchases this book. Code SCI15 needs to be entered on the discount box on checkout.

Author Kellie Harriden

Kellie Harriden

Twins by Surrogacy

Dr Denis Mukwege Invited to Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour at His Infertility Clinic in Africa

Congratulations for the Nobel Prize to Dr Denis Mukwege. It was a great honor to be invited by him for the Infertility clinic in his hospital in DR Congo. Hillary Clinton Foundation was supporting the endeavor of his hospital for Gynaecological treatment of women who were war survivors in Africa.

DR shivani with dr Denis

DR shivani with dr Denis team

DR shivani with dr Denis staff

DR shivani with dr Denis teams