When Can a Patient Go For IVF Treatment Post Covid Vaccination?

RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour director SCI  IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF.

RJ: Doctor When can a patient go for IVF treatment post covid vaccination?

Dr:  There is no need to delay getting pregnant after covet19 vaccination so you can go for IVF treatment immediately or even during your covid 19 vaccination. Remember, it is a dead virus. It does not have any impact on fertility treatment and as per recent government of India guidelines. Vaccines are safe even during pregnancy and in the pre pregnancy period.

RJ: Issued in public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.

When Can a Patient Co For IVF Treatment Post Covid Vaccination? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5TsAcvc-cc

After How Long Can a Person Go for IVF Treatment If She Has Been Infected With Covid19

RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour, director SCI IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record-making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF.

RJ: Doctor, After how long can a person go for IVF treatment if she has been infected with Covid19?

Dr: If a person has been infected with covid19, they can start IVF treatment after four weeks, if they were asymptomatic. If you have had respiratory symptoms like cough or breath listeners but did not need hospitalization, then you should wait for six weeks. If you were hospitalized for Covid19, then please wait for 8 to 10 weeks before starting treatment. If you were admitted to ICU, then you should wait for at least 12 weeks after complete recovery before you start your treatment.

RJ: Issued in the public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2z4Aqra2cg

Contact us now to get more information about IVF possibilities in this covid time- http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in

Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour was Live on HIT 95 FM

RJ: On the occasion of World IVF Week, We have Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour director of SCI IVF Centre Delhi and Noida, who is a part of record-making awareness activity in India and Asia Book of Records to spread awareness about IVF. The doctor is it safe to go for IVF treatment post covid infection?

Dr: Yes, it is safe to go for IVF treatment post covid infection. You should wait till you have recovered completely and are no longer infectious and you have been reviewed by a doctor. We know that increasing age and increasing duration of infertility both have a negative impact on the success rates for treatment.

So you should follow all the safety precautions and start your treatment.

RJ: issued in the public interest by Zydus Healthcare Limited.

Book a free consultation with our experts. https://www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour Live on Zee News on Covid19: क्या मां के गर्भ में बच्चा कोरोना संक्रमित हो सकता है?

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour Live on Zee News on Covid19: क्या मां के गर्भ में बच्चा कोरोना संक्रमित हो सकता है ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LlOXPmnwcE

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Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour Explaining about COVID19 – Safety and Precautions in SCI IVF Centre in Noida

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour Explaining about COVID19 – Safety and Precautions in SCI IVF Centre in Noida

OPD Starts in Noida with all precautions see how we are ready to protect your safety when you visit SCI IVF Centre – Noida. Maintain the highest levels of safety for patients and staff.

Contact us:
Phone: +91-8882563400
Email: ivfdrshivani@gmail.com
Web: www.drshivanisachdevgour.co.in

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