Will Summer Kill CoronaVirus “COVID-19”? Hear out the Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour explaining.
क्या कोरोना वायरस गर्मी में खतम हो जायेगा ? डॉ शिवानी सचदेव गौर सर्जिकल सेंटर ऑफ़ इंडिया नई दिल्ली.
Will Summer Kill CoronaVirus “COVID-19”? Hear out the Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour explaining.
क्या कोरोना वायरस गर्मी में खतम हो जायेगा ? डॉ शिवानी सचदेव गौर सर्जिकल सेंटर ऑफ़ इंडिया नई दिल्ली.
Miscarriage is one of the very common problems among women; mostly it happens in the first trimester. But miscarriage can happen in the later stages too, which causes a lot of suffering both mentally and physically. According to researchers, mothers who face miscarriage in their first cycle of IVF can still become pregnant.
In the later cycles like 2nd or 3rd, these mothers can become pregnant with the help of many different treatments. The chances are as high as 40% that women who face miscarriage in the 1st cycle will conceive in the later cycles of the treatment.
Possible causes of miscarriage
Miscarriage can happen for many different causes, many people often get the reasons wrong. Here are some common causes of miscarriage given below.
Miscarriage and IVF
Miscarriage is a very serious situation in every mother’s life; it breaks the patients emotionally and physically. While experiencing this feeling is common, losing hope of getting a child is not an option. Yes, you don’t need to lose your hope because you can be a mother again with the help of IVF. In many cases, women who go under 3 or more cycles of IVF treatment are proven to be successful to conceive a baby. Here are some facts about the IVF that you need to know given below.
22% of the women face miscarriage after the first cycle of the IVF. Also, nearly 62% of women after the 1st cycle of IVF fail to get pregnant. The report shows that IVF treatment is the reason behind the birth of more than five million babies. Some women who are around the age of 30 years, reported for being infertile. There are some things that doctors accentuate in the IVF treatments.
IVF treatment is very crucial and there are many things in the different stages of IVF that need special attention. One of those important things of IVF treatments includes embryo quality. Checking the quality of an embryo can prevent any type of issue and miscarriages. It also helps to increase the chances of getting pregnant in the first cycle of IVF.
One of the most useful processes of making IVF treatment successful is the Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). The chances of miscarriages decrease with the help of this. One of the best things about PGD is that it helps to know the quality of the embryo and genetic code. PGD is very useful in the first cycle of the IVF for getting successful.
IVF is a very safe and secure procedure that will help you to get pregnant and decrease the chance of miscarriage. With the help of IVF, you don’t have to give up on the dream of enjoying motherhood.
IVF Process – Step by Step http://www.drshivanisachdevgour.in/blog/ivf-process-step-by-step/
The Cabinet informed that the government had accepted all recommendations made by the Rajya Sabha Select Committee, which studied an earlier version of the draft legislation that aims at banning commercial surrogacy and allowing only altruistic surrogacy in India.
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved recommendations made by the Select Committee on Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2020, to allow any “willing woman” to act as a surrogate instead of “near relative” as proposed earlier.
As per the revised bill, widows and divorcees will also be allowed to opt for surrogacy.
The proposed insurance cover for surrogate mothers has now been increased to 36 months from 16 months provided in the earlier draft.
“While it is a good step to omit near relative clause for a surrogate, it doesn’t help to not include monetary compensation for the surrogate because not many women would be interested in carrying someone’s child without being paid for it…,” Delhi-based IVF specialist, Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, said.
Read the full article here- https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/rajya-sabha-panel-recommendations-get-cabinet-nod/story-itB4FkNggJq0qnNfoCY6FM.html